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Jan Hird Pokorny Associates, Inc.

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Conditions Surveying

Firemen’s Memorial

New York NY, 1987-92

Constructed in 1913, the Firemen’s Memorial was designed by architect Howard Van Buren Magonigle. Noted sculptor Attilio Piccirilli executed the statuary and relief carvings. The monument occupies a prominent location in Manhattan’s Riverside Park and is an important public and ceremonial space within the park. However, years of damage from vehicular impact, masonry failure and vandalism had taken their toll on the City Beautiful-era monument.

The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation chose JHPA to restore the monument and surrounding landscape. The initial conditions evaluation found that extensive damage required the disassembly and reconstruction of the cenotaph. The restoration strategy combined carefully prescribed cleaning methods with traditional masonry repair techniques and state-of-the-art anchorage and flashing materials. Refurbishment of the fountain, terraces and landscape completed the site’s revitalization.

The project received a Tucker Award of Excellence from the Building Stone Institute and a New York Preservation Award from the Municipal Arts Society, which made special note of “the high quality of the restoration.”